Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Happy half of the week to everyone!  I hope your Wednesday is finding you well and wonderful.

This is Bernard.  He was a gift to our class from my friend, Lucy.
Do you ever just feel thankful for having amazing friends??  I've always said to you friends that you should keep your friends close because they can be the best people in your lives and your inspiration, hands down! I've had most of my friends since elementary school!  Crazy, huh?!?  Well, I have a friend that's very special to me and she's been with me since middle school.  We've been through so much together, but one thing always remains: our friendship.  Well, yesterday, I wasn't having the best day and she brought me a present to cheer me up...and it was HER birthday!  That's what a good friend is: he/she picks you up when you are down and lifts your spirits, helping you to feel better and get back to your "normal self".  They EXPECT to be there for YOU.  I feel so very, very blessed to have her in my life and I hope you remember over your years of growing up that friends are people you should treasure and always treat with love, care, and respect. Your friends you have now could very well be your friends through the rest of your life.  4 of our friends since back in preschool were actually in my wedding to Mr. Thomas. and let me tell you, that was truly, a special, special thing!   I am a better and stronger person because of my friends...especially Lucy - she makes me want to be by best self and I hope you can find that perfect counterpart to your soul as I have with her...AND...because of her, WE have a new addition to our classroom (Beanie!). 

This is my wonderful friend Lucy (on the left)
She gave us our Bernard!

Ms. Golan (our student studying teaching from UK) was here to teach us a lesson on the parts of speech.  With this concept, we got to participate in an activity entitled, "Cafe de Language Arts" where we made a menu about parts of speech from several different options.  It was a great activity and we had tons of fun!

HOMEWORK: none tonight except working on Spelling packets to have them completed by Friday.

We also have ANOTHER new addition, but this one is to our door: Mrs. Wilson gave these to our class as she thought of me when she saw them online.  Isn't she sweet?!?  She even laminated them and everything so I can write on them with dry erase markers.  I went ahead and taped them to our door so when people stop by, they can see what we're learning before they enter!
we worked on division to complete our focus upon that concept since we have established a basis for our understanding.  We will revisit it after state testing.  Today, we practiced dividing a whole into groups and seeing how many could be evenly distributed into the groups.  After that, we took an assessment to gauge our understanding.  Most did very well on this.  Tomorrow, we are moving onto data analysis and graphing (line plots, bar graphs, etc.). 

PM activities:

I hope you have an excellent evening!
Mrs. Thomas

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