Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Helllllo all!!!  Welcome to our very first official blog update of this schoolyear!  I hope you can utitlize this site for all your school questions and information needs!  From now on, I will be updating the blog daily to keep you informed of our classroom happenings!  As we begin our 'normal' schedule with all the content areas, you will see more detailed and specific posts catered to the individual subject's information.  For today and tomorrow, I will just give you a brief overview of our day.

Today we...
took the "End-of-the-year 3rd grade Math in Focus" assessment so I can get a clear picture of what your student and I need to work on in order to achieve success this year.  This really gave me a glimpse into the skills that your student mastered last year and what we will need to focus upon in our journey through 4th grade.  This took most of our morning and I was super impressed with the students' diligence to complete the task at hand!

practiced our expectations in the event of a substitute.  The students and I were able to make a chart of reminders for helping a substitute and reviewed expectations for behavior and work completion.  This afternoon, we were able to have a pretend substitute (Mrs. Campbell from 5th grade) come and work with us so we could demonstrate what we know about these expectations.  Unfortunately, we did have a couple of things to work on and a few reteaches, so we will be repracticing these things tomorrow. 

I'm CcRrAaZzYy about alllllll you already!  I'm so glad you're in my class!
I love you!
Mrs. Thomas
**ALL paperwork needs to be returned ASAP!
**Please, please, PLEASE send in money ($3) for your PLANNERS!  If you are unable to purchase one, please let me know asap so I can send one home.  It is IMPERATIVE that each child has a planner.
**I sent home a large packet today containing information about myself, our homework policy, snack policy, behavior expectations, and procedures and the coinciding expectations.  Please review this with your student and then return the last page to me on or before Friday- August 26th, 2011

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