I am very sorry for my lack of communication yesterday- I get to working on so much stuff on our resource days and get into such a rhythm that apparently my brain goes foggy on me and I become a forgetful Franny. I must insist and reiterate that it will not happen again!
this is me these days, apparently :) |
ADVENT DAY TWO (Tuesday, December 2, 2014):
the story starter-
- ho - help me!" came the voice from the chimney ...
**These turned out so very cute and many students will be featured on the blog with their stories in the upcoming days! ADVENT DAY THREE (Wednesday, December 3, 2014):
a new twist on the 12 Days of Christmas and make it themed to our classroom
(Math/ Reading, Mrs. Thomas/ the students, etc.)
**These also turned out so very cute and quite HILARIOUS! Stay tuned for postings of these as well!LANGUAGE ARTS BLOCK:
LEARNING TARGET: I CAN use the textual analysis process; I CAN analyze and discuss gender roles and stereotypes; I CAN synthesize works of realistic fiction.
I must say, the students have been incredibly perceptive and insightful throughout this previous lesson's topic. I have been most impressed with their attentiveness and discussion of the concepts and content at hand, but further attention had to be paid to our answers on our quiz from Monday. I do not feel that many students elaborated in writing in the way in which they were able to articulate verbally. Thus, we discussed our main points again, went back and reread, and then re-answered our questions along the lines of our verbal responses (simply put: we worked on putting our thoughts into written words on paper!).
THEN, we took our Benchmark Unit 2 assessment over realistic fiction which hopefully you can recall as our topic of focus for the past several weeks (coinciding our reading of, Bridge to Terabithia). While the students were not enthused to have a unit test today, they were far more understanding after I explained that 1) they were more than ready; 2) it'd be far better to have it today than to have it tomorrow or Friday when they already have two other tests in Science and Social Studies. This will also give us time to complete our Wrong-Answer Analysis in class on Friday.
HOMEWORK: Literature Circle readings and roles due TOMORROW (Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014)
Students reviewed Study Guide
HOMEWORK: test is THIS FRIDAY, Dec. 5th
Students reviewed Study Guide and went over longitude and latitude.
HOMEWORK: test is THIS FRIDAY, Dec. 5th
LEARNING TARGET: I CAN divide money amounts by 1- and 2-digit divisors.
Students follow the same procedures to divide money as they do to divide whole numbers. Students must remember to place the dollar sign and decimal point in the quotient prior to dividing. They may also need to write zeros in the quotient to show when there are no dimes or pennies. We practiced with this concept and then in Math #2, I passed out and discussed the Grocery Store Prices project that was sent home today (MATH #2 ONLY!!!) and students worked on workbook page, 37 which is due to be completed by tomorrow.
HOMEWORK: Workbook page, 37; Grocery Store Prices Project (FOR MATH #2 ONLY!!!) sent home- these are due by NEXT Friday, December 12, 2014! Test over division is Monday, Dec. 8th.
Students worked on Godwinks and worked on Advent.
**Dec. 10th is Chick-fil-A day
**Dec 16th- Preschool Christmas Program at 9:00 AM
**Dec 17th- K-3 Christmas Program at 7:00 PM
**Dec. 19th is a HALF-DAY of school (dismiss at 12:00PM)
**CHRISTMAS BREAK is Dec. 22nd - Jan 2nd (back at school Mon., Jan. 5th, 2015)
Have a wonderful Wednesday evening!
Mrs. Thomas
Christmas is 22 days from today! Only 11 1/2 school days left in 2014! |
2015 is upon us, peeps- ONLY 28 days left in the year 2014! |
Kyras lit circle book is missing says it was on someone's desk at school an she could not find before had to leave I can go get book just need to know what she needs to do if can answer me back thanks