Sunday, February 27, 2011

GOVERNOR'S CUP Academic Team WINS District Runners-up!!!!

Mr. Hilton and I are THE luckiest coaches!
We are absolutely THRILLED beyond belief!
I mean, can you tell?!?
I come to you as the proudest coach that a coach could ever be...  
The GOVERNOR'S CUP Academic Team (NOT academic challenge...COMPLETELY different) that I coach along with Mr. Hilton placed SECOND overall behind Meadowthorpe in our ENTIRE district which is a huge...and I mean, HUGE accomplishment!!!
Let's give this team the GIGANTIC CONGRATULATIONS they so very much deserve!!!!  We had at least one team member place in every single area of the competition...and EVERY SINGLE MEMBER is moving on to REGIONALS in at least one area of competition and well, we've NEVER and I emphasize, NEVER had that happen before as a team at GSE!!!  This is undoubtedly, THE BEST we have EVER done....EVER!!! We are sooooo proud of all of our students who have practiced so hard, worked so diligently, have persevered through this intense battle and are moving on to the region competition in March.  
Here's our FABULOUS team with our RUNNERS-UP trophy!
This team consists of 17 - 4th and 5th grade students who had to try out to be a part of it...basically, it is like our school's sport's team and is a tough, tough team to become a member of, maintain being a part of (it requires MUCH dedication, devotion, and studying BEYOND the studying and what is already assigned during the school day)...much less actually place in competition!!!  Way to go are smart, intelligent, wonderful, brilliant, geniuses, etc.... the list could go on for miles...we are just overcome with elation for YOU!!!  

How can this NOT make you smile?!?
I love, love LOOOOVE how thrilled they are with they should be!
MOST of our team's girls with our trophy!  Look at ALLLL those BLINGING medals!!!

a very proud coach with two SENSATIONAL members!
(and my former students) what sensationally fabulous young women!

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