My deepest, deepest apologies for this being so late. Our internet went down at the end of the day throughout SMA and they did not get it back up. Mary had hers saved so I was able to post it once I got in the realm of my little home base here, but I had only saved about half of mine (it was completed and ready to post...booooo!) so unfortunately, I only have half of my math notes from the SMARTboard today posted and not all of the other pictures and tidbits I had to show you. Womp...womp... and wahhhh....wahhhhh. Anyway, we're rolling with the punches and here's what I have for today. Hopefully, I'm not catching you too late and can answer any questions about today that you may have. I am so sorry for this being a late post!
Here is my post before the glitches...
Hello all and Happy Wednesday to YOU!
I hope I am finding you well and wonderful!
REMINDER: tomorrow is MASS at 8:15. So far, we have been absolutely AWESOME at mass and I have been the most proud teacher ever of these sweet babes!
Also, if you have lost your parent letters for instructions of how to access Edmodo, you are in luck! I happen to have assistance riiiiight here (see below):
We got to get in our reading groups today!!! While they were incredibly rushed, I think we will get the hang of it and be rolling with them very soon. Our limited time is what is hurting us and being that it was our first day, students were quite unsure of what they should be doing in each group. First, we had our mini-lesson where we read a short (but incredibly interesting passage!) about mutualism in nature. We then looked at the stated main idea of each paragraph and found details within that same paragraph that supported the main idea.
In reading groups, students were given a "Time for Kids" reader and were to read an article or passage of interest to them. They then created a project entitled, a "handy idea" where they were to write the main idea on the palm of their hand they traced and then a supporting detail to prove that main idea on each of their five fingers. They compiled this into a display of their "handy" organizer. Most just got started and will use reading group time on Friday to finish it.
HOMEWORK: complete reading, Election Choices and answer two questions at bottom (this is from Independent Practice in reading group time)
Mrs. Schleg's class - Group E working on projects |
instructions for "a handy idea" |
Learning Target: I can read and write decimals through the thousandths place in fraction, word, and standard form.
We continued our studies of decimals and their place values and practiced shading in tenths and hundredths on a place-value grid, and then representing them in fractions, words, and the standard decimal form. Students did excellent on this and you will see my notes from the SMARTboard in class below...
Today, we extended learned about the thousandths place which is an extension beyond what students have learned in previous years or practiced so far in 5th grade. To help them understand, I put a thousands grid on the SMARTboard and we looked how many pieces we had to shade to equal just ONE one-hundredth (ten) and discussed how a thousandth is basically a fraction of a penny! Thus, it's suuuuuper small! And, this is the part of the math notes that did not save due to the technical difficulties and I don't have on my iPad or home laptop. I'll post tomorrow, promise!
HOMEWORK: complete workbook, page 3
HOMEWORK: compete questions from page 67 of textbook
HOMEWORK: decorate your Writer's Notebook to be a reflection of YOU!
Have you seen
MARY'S post today?!? That girl is up to something special with her blog posting! She's been working hard and I can't say enough good things about her effort!
Mrs. Thomas