Wednesday, March 4, 2015

3.4.15 4th Online School Snow Day...

Better late than never

Well 5th looks like SMA & the local forcasters predicted this one right! We will be having our 4th ONLINE SCHOOL DAY tomorrow! I know you all took your books home that Mrs. Schleg & I asked of you, so the following assignments for tomorrow will be out of those books. I want to go ahead and send these out to you, and if you have ANY questions while working, please e-mail me at Mrs. Thomas' e-mail between 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM tomorrow :) Stay safe out there & work hard tomorrow on all your assignments so you can get them in on time. You can find the assignments listed below...

READING: I would like you to read for 30 minutes and log your hours online for the week.

WRITING: I would like you to start brainstorming your memories for your Memoir writing pieces. When we need ideas for writing a memoir, a time line can help us brainstorm. A timeline helps us see the important things in our topics stretched out across a page. These events are what made us who we are. These are the memories we chose to write for our memoir. Timelines help me begin with my earliest memories of times that caused big changes in my life. What I would like for you to complete today is a timeline of events for the memory you chose for your memoir topic. You should have at least 6-8 different events that happened within that timeframe you chose on your timelines. Write down specific dates if you remember them, detail of the events, who was invloved, etc. Do this on a looseleaf piece of paper so you can turn it into me for credit.

MATH: I would like you to complete Simple Solutions #9 (Don't forget 7 & 8 are due Friday) and  complete workbook pg. 67 numbers 1-28 ONLY.

Make sure you check Mrs. Schleg's assignemnts as well & please e-mail me with any questions you have. See you guys soon!!

XO- Ms. Ray 

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