Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Hello all and Happy April to you!

Our BOOK MADNESS Championship Face-off is between...


What will the winner be?!!?

LEARNING TARGET: I CAN identify the big ideas and summarize a text.
READING- Students are continuing to work on the skill of summarizing a text.  We completed our Benchmark Lesson and then pulled small groups.  While I was with groups, students were completing a summary on a reading from their Benchmark story as well as their summarizing/ main idea packets from last week and summaries of small group texts.  We also practiced with the skill of comparing and contrasting two animals using a Venn diagram and then using those points from the diagram to construct a summary.
This is our big idea organizer from class (create this for homework)

HOMEWORK: complete big idea/ summary organizer over one book from the final 4 on YOUR Book Madness bracket

LEARNING TARGET: I CAN borrow within subtraction of fractions.
Math 1 continued the practice of borrowing in subtraction of fractions and completed a chapter review.  Math 2 had a test over subtracting fractions.

HOMEWORK: complete fraction practice/ word problems practice pages.

Guest speaker from the Department of Fish and Wildlife

Students watched, "Heaven is for Real"

Play practice and religion work within packet.
HOMEWORK: practice readings and parts for roles.  Play is THIS Friday at 1PM!

Please DO NOT forget to continue logging your reading minutes before Friday morning.  We have got to get ourselves back in this challenge and ol' Harry Trotter moving around the track!  I love hearing how all these babies are reading, reading, and reading some more!

The play is Friday at 1PM!  It's almost... Spring Break...Easter...the end of the school year...ahhhh! Celebrate accordingly.
Have a wondrous Wednesday,
Mrs. Thomas

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