I must interrupt this post to let you know that I have posted some journal entry topics that you can access by clicking the link under the header or by clicking HERE; have posted questions and fun activities having to do with Loser that you can access by clicking HERE (questions about the first 50 pages); former students have posted some advice and testimonials you can access by clicking HERE; FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) for your parents accessed HERE; MORE specific details about my background in teaching HERE; and my projected math syllabus for the year found HERE. Again, all of this can be found by clicking the specific page links under the header at the top of this blog.
Now, back to this post...
I thought you'd like to at least know a little bit about me so you can feel at ease with having the semi-new gal on the block here at Saint Mary as a part of your 5th grade school year life. Thus, I am giving you a few lists/ notes about me in bulleted form (and a few pictures too) so we can start to get acquainted! You can also click HERE for some FAR more detailed info about me coming from the pages tabs atop this blog under the header.
Basic Information-
- Name: Mrs. Abby Thomas
- Age: 31 (yikes!)
- Birthday: January 6th
- Marital Status: Married --> Husband: Brad
- Children (my heart!): 2 --> Jack, age 3 (Born April 3, 2012); Harrison or "Harry", age 7 months [well, by the time school starts he will be] (Born January 5, 2015)
- From: Winchester, KY
- College: Western Kentucky University (major: Elementary Education, minor: English)
Misc. Information-
- Favorite Food(s): spicy food (especially jalapenos and Buffalo Wing sauce); seafood (any, but ESP. scallops, calamari, and king crab legs); feta and brie cheeses; brownies and cake balls
- LEAST Favorite Food(s): I DETEST mayonnaise!!! (Seriously, the sight of it makes me vomit). mushrooms, eggplant, carrots, celery, and any meat from a can (to those I say, NOPE, NOPE NOPE!!!)
- Favorite Music: broad genre 90s' music will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart (seriously, SiriusXM 90s on 9 is my JAM); ANY Classic Rock, (but ESP. The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, CSNY, CCR, Fleetwood Mac, the Beatles, Journey, REO Speedwagon, Boston); and Indie/ Folk Rock (the Avett Brothers, the Alabama Shakes, Old Crow Medicine Show, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros)
- What you'll find me watching: Grey's Anatomy, the Bachelor/ette, Survivor, Modern Family, Chrisley Knows Best, and constant reruns of Seinfeld (the greatest show of all time. Period.) and the Office
- Favorite Sports Team: college-UK (sorry Louisvillians, I am diehard too! Sorry not sorry we've had to stick it to you in some high stakes b-ball games as of late! tee-hee And YES, we did indeed go to the Final Four in Indianapolis this past year and YES we did indeed go home super, SUPER sad. Like, didn't speak the whole way home sad); NFL- Indianapolis Colts (my in-laws are season ticket holders!)
- Favorite Picture Books: Drummer Hoff; Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon; Click, Clack, Moo; Rainbow Fish
- Favorite Young Adult Chapter Books: Breathe by Clif McNish; Bud, Not Buddy; The Witches; Loser by Jerry Spinelli; Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
- Favorite Subjects to Teach: Reading and Math!
- First Job: Lifeguard (I did this for 6 summers and will ALWAYS insist that this is the best job ever for a teenager and college age individual!)
- Reasons I became a teacher: my parents AND grandparents all were; I have always LOVED working with children (I coached middle school cheerleading all through high school, taught preschool in college, first went to college to be a Pediatrician, and absolutely loved school when I was younger)
- Favorite school years for me: 4th grade (this teacher is who I aspire to be- she was THE BEST!); 5th grade; 7th grade; and 12th grade
- 5th grade memories: playing Sonic the Hedgehog2 [click there for some fun!] on my Sega game system pretty much every. single. waking. hour; doing grammar work every single morning to start our day (Grammar control and identifying crimes [as Weird Al parodies] against it are pretty much my most favorite thing ever); becoming an aunt (my niece, Cathryn [whom I call, "Prissy"] is almost 20 and is starting her sophomore year at Murray State University this fall); end of the year dance and lock-in; earning a Presidential fitness award; being a Kindergarten big buddy; winning Districts and Regionals for the 2nd year in a row on our school's Academic Team; cheerleading for pee-wee football and basketball; being a part of D.A.R.E.; being an office worker and teacher mini-assistant; and feeling important as the oldest of the elementary level! It was such a fun year!!!
- FUN and/ or Weird Trivia: I am TERRIFIED of vomit (seriously, even after having my own child, I still get squeamish and light-headed...and, if you feel the urge, RUN! If you puke, I puke and that equals one big smelly mess); I am incredibly into fashion; I can curl my tongue into a weird 'T' shape; I can walk on my hands for an abnormally long period of time; I have been friends with some of the people that were in my wedding since before elementary school; I could read when I was 3; I have had 4 surgeries on my knee and need a fifth; I was a competitive gymnast until I was 10; I was a cheerleader from ages 9 to 18 and was named the Most Valuable Cheerleader and captain of my varsity squad my senior year; I once dyed my hair dark, dark brown and my parents and husband begged me to dye it back blonde; I get annoyed with basic grammar mistakes (your/ you're, then/ than, its/ it's, over usage of apostrophes, etc.) in adults because I always say that my students know better and so should they!
- Favorite fun sites to check out/ bookmark:
First off, CLICK HERE for our LOSER activities (it's a pages tab that will constantly be planted atop our blog right under our header). Seriously GO THERE NOW. Have you gone there yet? No really, what are you waiting for? Scoot! And f you haven't started reading that book yet, Yiiiiiiiiiikes on you. HOP, HOP, Hippppppity, HOP, HOP, HOPPPPPP. TO. IT. LIKE. YESTERDAY. Real talk.
NOW, the FUN sites...
You're getting old (seriously, GO to this! It. is. so. so. cool.)
Ron Winter's Online Drums
Mr. Wolfe's Math;
NOW, the FUN sites...
You're getting old (seriously, GO to this! It. is. so. so. cool.)
Ron Winter's Online Drums
Mr. Wolfe's Math;
Satellite fly-bys (plug in your zip code!)
Fifth Grade Hands-on Activities
Chicken on a raft (pointless fun)
Nick Reboot (watch Nickelodeon on the internet just as I watched it on TV back in the day!)
I promise that these sites are so, soooo worth your while! Be ready to share which sites/ games are your favorite and what you enjoyed most! Most importantly, warm up those brains for back to school and well, HAVE SOME FUN (while practicing too)!
Chicken on a raft (pointless fun)
Nick Reboot (watch Nickelodeon on the internet just as I watched it on TV back in the day!)
I promise that these sites are so, soooo worth your while! Be ready to share which sites/ games are your favorite and what you enjoyed most! Most importantly, warm up those brains for back to school and well, HAVE SOME FUN (while practicing too)!
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the Jackman and me last summer (2014) at a wedding in Chicago |
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Harry and me on July 4th 2015 |
Mr. Thomas and yours truly...
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Easter 2014 |
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4th of July 2015 |
My sweet, sweet babes...
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4 month photo shoot- Captain Harry the aviator |
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H was only a few weeks old here, but I LOVE this pic :) |
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I LOVE H's cute little button nose :) |
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My boy is Toy Story OBSESSED! |

Mrs. Thomas