Whoa...was it a CRAZY weather day or what?!? It certainly made for an interesting Tuesday! I was so proud of the students...they kept their composure and never acted wild or got off track. They were willing to go with the flow and do what was asked of them; so while the weather might have been crazy, they were not!

At the beginning of the day, we started on our second day of a focus on poetry. We talked about 3 different figurative languages that are used in poetry to evoke feelings and images in our readers' minds: similes and metaphors (which were a review), and then onomatopoeia. Ask your student about our activities with that...we had a blast!

In math, we got to do our groups and rotations today! Students did great working with their groups. For independent practice, we continued working on our ORQs and bringing up to a score of '4'. We also worked on Workbook pages 31-36. We will take our assessment over Mental Math and Estimation this Friday. Tomorrow, we will complete reviewing worksheet pages and our chapter review to prepare for the assessment. NO HOMEWORK THIS EVENING!
We earned a GREEN paw in lunch again!
Finally, after lunch we had class out in the hallway. We worked on a "6-Room Poem" lesson and will complete it tomorrow. Talk to your student about this activity!I am so proud of you!
Mrs. Thomas
PS, DO NOT forget BOO-grams are still on sale for $1 until Friday. We still need almost everything for our Fall Party on Friday at 1:30. "Hunger Heroes" Food Drive continues until Friday AND so does Box Tops! We also still need candy for our classroom candy jar! Thank you for everything you do!