Hello all-
I hope you have been staying warm during this extreme cold front we've been in!
Today, we had a special visitor! My very good friend since elementary school, Lucy (Ms. Pumphrey to the students) was here to observe our classroom. She graduated from Samford University in Alabama several years ago, but is now earning her masters in education. We were so happy to have her and look forward to her spending more time with us in the future!
Yesterday, our sub began working with the students on creating "funny poems" where we exaggerated our thoughts, feelings, and details. This concept in poetry is hyperboles, and is so much fun. To really get some 'oomph' behind them, we created them about a food we absolutely despise, or with one we absolutely adore. We will be continuing them tomorrow.
In reading, we began studying the skill of 'cause and effect'. We read a nonfiction passage about 4th graders helping to save sand dunes on a local beach by using old Christmas trees. Cause has to do with an event that takes place while the effect are what happens as a result of that event. For example, the effects of not doing your homework could be a lower grade, walking at recess, or punishment at home and school. Homework tonight is working on our 'Wordly Wise: Lesson 7' spelling packet that is due Friday.
Our WOW words this week are:
In math, we are working on...MULTIPLICATION!!! YAY!!! TONIGHT, students MUST work on their 2s and 3s and be able to recite them to me tomorrow. Also tomorrow, a very important packet will be coming home about our multiplication project. Students are given templates to follow to create specialized flashcards for each set of numbers (2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, and 12s). These templates can be cut out and traced onto posterboard or construction paper and need to be kept together with metal rings or brad fasteners (NO STAPLES OR YARN as they fall apart too easily) If you are unable to obtain any of these materials, please let me know as soon as possible. The sets of 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s are due to me to be checked NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17TH. Please join us in our effort to ensure your student memorizes his/her multiplication facts. These can be done in the car on the way to the grocery or other destination, at the store, while taking a shower/bath, etc. (anywhere that there is some downtime...squeeze 'em in!!!).
ANIMAL PROJECTS: Students were given a packet today containing the instructions and outline for a project on an animal from a Brazilian ecosystem. The selection of animals is listed on the back page and only animals from that page can be chosen. Students will be required to create a presentation on a poster giving facts, details, and trivia about their animal as well as its Life Cycle and a Food Chain with the animal in it to show where it obtains energy; write a research paper demonstrating their findings from research; and create a model of the animal. Models (obviously) cannot be actual life size, but need to be at least 8-10 inches and created to look a much like to animal as possible. Some ideas for creating one can be: paper mache (make a base out of aluminum foil), painted clay, painted playdough, plaster of paris, etc. TONIGHT, students MUST decide on which animal they will be researching. These will be due after Winter Break.
- CONFERENCE LETTERS: I sent home a letter requesting a conference to discuss your child's progress and academic successes this semester. Please write a 1, 2, or 3 next to your preference I will try to get your scheduled for a time that is most convenient for you. I will schedule these on a first come, first serve basis so return them as soon as possible! Hopefully, I should be able to get some in before the conclusion of next week, but most will be scheduled for immediately after the break. The only days in which I cannot meet in the afternoons are Wednesdays due to my coaching commitments to our Governor's Cup Academic Team.
- WINTER PARTY: A notice was sent home in your child's planner about our Winter Party scheduled for NEXT Thursday, December 16th, at 1:30PM. We would absolutely LOVE to see you here to volunteer! Mrs. Lyons (Alyssa's mom) is our homeroom parent in charge of this party. We will be decorating cookies/cupcakes, playing games, creating a snow globe craft, enjoying delicious treats, AND playing "White Elephant (a.k.a., Yankee Swap, Dirty Santa). Please get a gift (no more than $4 please!) that must be gender neutral as students will be swapping and going through rounds selecting fun. This game is strictly meant to have fun...not worrying about which present we get...just to enjoy the company of a fun Christmas game with our peers. Please wrap your gift (you can trick that up if you want, Barbie wrapping paper, or sports, etc...to throw someone off!), and if you are unable to purchase a gift, please let me know and we can get this taken care of. Or, if you would rather Mrs. Lyons or myself purchase the gift, you may send in monetary donations and we can get that done. As with any party, many supplies are needed so please see the sheet sent home today to see how you can help us out! Please contact me via email (abby.thomas@fayette.kyschools.us) if you have any questions.
I'm looking forward to all of our exciting things coming up over the next 8 days of school before the end of 2010!
Let's have a great (and far less talkative) day tomorrow!
Mrs. Thomas
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18 days until Christmas!!! 10 days until Winter Break and 8 school days left in 2010!!! |
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