Behavior Note:
We had a rough start behavior wise across the 5th grade today (we're talking as soon as the bell rang, Mr. Burt was redirecting our kiddos) and it went downhill from there and affected us negatively throughout the course of the rest of our day. Mrs. Schleg was affected in her instruction and I was in mine. I hardly got to much with my Math class nor with my reading classes because I was constantly having to redirect off-task behaviors and talking and Mrs. Schleg expressed the exact same sentiments. And we're not just dealing with talking, we had pencils and erasers being thrown, rulers as swords, running, yelling...the works...definitely NOT behavior on par with that of a fifth grader or THAT of THIS group of kids! They are such an outstanding class as a whole and capable of SO, SOOOO very much more. Thus, both classes had quite the chat from Mrs. Schleg and myself and did some walking at recess for their consequence, but as of Tuesday, upon our return from Labor Day holiday weekend, we are beginning our Strike Chart system. This system basically means three strikes and you're out (...or "out" in this case means a behavior referral to the office for a call home. After 3 of these, a detention is earned). This is how middle school runs things and how we did it last year. It worked well and we anticipate it running smoothly this year as well. Please contact us should you have any questions or concerns. We have high expectations for these awesome children that we've heard such wonderful things about and can't wait to get things under control so that our learning can take us up, up, and away to far away lands!
VOCABULARY- We reviewed our vocabulary from this week according to our roots, bases, and prefixes. I took up their sheets that had been assigned via Edmodo.
READING & WRITING: We reviewed all of our rules and parts of Reading and Writer's Workshops we've learned and practiced up to date by revisiting our anchor charts we made on our SMARTBoard notebook documents and in each of these class response journals. The students then got in groups of 4 and made actual anchor charts to be hung around their classroom to refer back to if needed when in their homeroom and their notebooks or response journals are not out or available. Students then reflected on this process in their writing notebook of how it could help them as a reader or writer and why it is important to remember all these steps and parts of the workshops.
HOMEWORK: LOSER questions over next pages (101-150) due Wednesday Sept. 9th
MATH #1 LEARNING TARGET: I CAN add & subtract decimals up to thousandths
Our exit slip yesterday proved that students are still not grasping the concepts of comparing and ordering decimals as well as rounding decimals. Thus, I gave them a Bellringer on decimals that required much additional practice and attention. We did not get to do much "fun" stuff and had more of a lecture type class on how to round and compare and order these decimals because that what was needed by the students.
HOMEWORK: none (Labor Day weekend)
Students had a mixed application review of skills where they worked with a partner on problem solving challenging concepts and problems for review of this unit's content. It was FUN!
HOMEWORK: Decimals SUMMATIVE Unit Assessment THURSDAY, Sept. 9th
Students went out to the garden and weeded, and then came back to review bug project expectations.
HOMEWORK: none (Labor Day weekend)
Social Studies time was taken up by the Science garden time and bug project discussion.
HOMEWORK: none (Labor Day weekend)
Students finished their maps of the Old Testament and began their maps of the New Testament.
HOMEWORK: none (Labor Day weekend)
Flashbacks 9 & 10
Have a truly wonderful and relaxing three day weekend!
-Mrs. T
P.S., NEXT Thursday (Sept 10th) is GRANDPARENTS' DAY here at SMA!

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