In LANGUAGE ARTS, we are studying Sequencing order within text. We identified signal words that help us to identify chronological order:
first, next, then, finally, last, after that, second, third, to end, during, after, soon after, in conclusion, meanwhile, before, simultaneously, or when dates or times are given, etc.
We discussed why these are important and why it would be important to identify the sequence of events within a text. We practiced by using a timeline and also noted the nonfiction text feature present upon it (the timeline itself, dates, pictures, captions, bold print, headings, etc.) Students also wrote about their typical afternoons home and used signal words to move from one activity to the next. They quickly learned that every bit of their lives fall in chronological order.
We also read THIS text and then practiced with THIS super fun mummy making activity! The kids were SO into it! How can you help your student at home? Discuss the sequence of your nightly events and routines. Have then use signal words when articulating how their afternoons carry out. Point out directions on recipes or in assembling a toy, furniture, or something of the like. Note how following directions in the specific order listed is imperative for success in completion with the task at hand.
ALSO: Please know that I am grading, grading, grading the students' Loser Comprehension tests and whew, they were DOOZIES! Overall, I am extremely proud of the synthesis and analytical stance that many students took about our beloved Zinkoff. There were really some higher order thinking skills involved within this test and our kiddos persevered to completion! Once I finish grading those, I will move to grading their projects. The creativity of these 5th graders is out of this world and I am truly impressed by their connections to this summer reading book.
What's up NEXT WEEKin L.A.?!? We begin REALISTIC FICTION, the first of our many genres of study. It's actually perfect because we just completed our reading of Loser which is a work of Realistic Fiction. I have asked that the students check out another book classified as realistic fiction during library time so they have it throughout our unit. Bridge to Terabithia is an excellent example, but I am happy to have any that your student finds best fits his/ her reading style/ preferences.
Here are some activities to do with READING this week with your student at home:

VOCABULARY: I did not go over Divide and Conquer today...whoops! I was SO excited to begin sequencing...yes, seriously! That I flat out FORGOT. Yikes. Thus, we will be reviewing it tomorrow, but here is our divide and conquer sheet for your perusing/ viewing pleasure and then I will also upload it to Edmodo for the kids as we will be going over it tomorrow.
We are learning about the Properties of Multiplication so I played THIS song. We are also learning about the patterns of multiplication (9 x 4 = 36, so 90 x 40 = 3,600 and so on). Finally, our big to do this unit is multiplying by 3-digit numbers. I would still like the students to be practicing with the rounding of decimals. They can do this by visiting THIS baseball game, or THIS soccer game, THIS Decimals place-value football game, and THIS or THIS decimals adding or subtracting game. We played these as a warm-up in class and I promised the students I would post them here :)
I'll be back with many more updates of classroom happenings soon :)
P.S., Sign-up for conferences!!!!
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