Hello all and welcome back from your long weekend! I hope you celebrated with some nice time off with your families! I've so enjoyed hearing the stories of your students' Labor Day excursions! They are quite the story tellers and I could listen to them all day!
It's our dear "Kuhny's" Birthday today!!! Happy. HAPPY Birthday to you, sweet sir! Oh how we love you so! |
Friday was Lexi's Birthday and I totally forgot to wish her well here on our little blog :( Boo on me! Thus, Happy Belated Birthday, sweet Lexi Loo! We hope you had the best day! Oh how we love you so! |
It was resource day around 5T and 5S so while I could've listened to them all day, I didn't get to. We DID start the day with a little Language Arts instruction...Did you know that today just happens to be International Literacy Day? We discussed what it means to be illiterate and that almost 1 billion people worldwide do not have access to the quality education that we do here in the United States. The students found it hard to believe that so many adults in this world could be illiterate and we discussed what that must be like for them and completed a written response. We then discussed advocated for awareness of this concept. In Library time of our resource day, students created posters for awareness and advocacy of this worldwide epidemic and we hung them around school to continue raising awareness around SMA. The students are truly fascinated and in awe of this and truly enjoyed the activity. For more information, please visit:
Download the Little Free Library
LOSER QUESTIONS (pages 101-150 due tomorrow)
Vocabulary Quiz Friday. New pages uploaded to Edmodo and last week's pages will be sent home tomorrow for studying (no worries, these are nothing to freak out over, okay?!!!? Promise?!!!?)
BOTH CLASSES: Simple Solutions 14, 15, & 16 due Friday Sept. 11th
Flashbacks - Day 11
Grandparents' Day is Thursday, September 10th. Please join your grandchild for Mass and then doughnuts afterwards, followed by an activity with us in our classroom! We so look forward to seeing you!
See you tomorrow, Friends!
-Mrs. Thomas
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