Thursday, May 7, 2015


Hola Gents and Judies!  I hope you're well on this beautiful Thursday!  We missed many lovelies today because of archery nationals- congratulations, friends!  We hope everything went well and you were right on target :)
Also, congratulations are in order for our darling doll, Miss Abby Newton, our third trimester Monarch Award winner!  We are so proud of you, sweet girl!  You are truly the epitome of what this award represents.  You are kind, thoughtful, considerate, hardworking, determined, respectful, and a shining example of our Christian faith.  I am absolutely in awe of your compassionate spirit and dedicated drive towards success in all that you do.  We are truly lucky to be your friend and I am blessed to be your teacher. Congratulations!!!

I'm still in a camping haze- it was such a fun trip!  Please see the bottom of this post for pics galore from our awesome time

LEARNING TARGET: I CAN summarize information within a text and present it in an expository article.
Students had reduced time due to our Mass this morning/ Monarch Awards, so they worked on researching their derby winner and creating their news article.  They also had much work in the practice of comparing and contrasting.
HOMEWORK: Derby winner research article due tomorrow; Colonial Clothing compare & contrast article/ chart

LEARNING TARGET: 1) I CAN identify the characteristics of polygons.
Students worked on classifying shapes as polygons and regular polygons or non polygons.
Math 2 students worked on beginning the design of their city
HOMEWORK: Simple Solutions #s 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48 due tomorrow.  
MATH 1: Workbook page 115; 
MATH 2: Design of Downtown of Geometrocity due tomorrow.


Students went over a powerpoint about the American Revolution which is Chapter 8, Lesson 2 in the SS text, did vocabulary, and read and reviewed concepts.

Students had Master Gardener.
HOMEWORK: read and reason worksheet on Edmodo for Vocabulary

Tomorrow is Friday already!  Whew, it's been a crazy week.  Wowza.
Mrs. Thomas

Pics from Camp Shantituck

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