VOCAB- We continued our focus upon practicing the concept of dividing and conquering vocabulary words through prefixes and bases and/ or suffixes using our word bank. Students worked with partners to conquer word meanings.
HOMEWORK: vocabulary pages posted to Edmodo (link at top of blog under header!) due by Friday (usually I will assign certain days but groups have not been completely set up yet in Edmodo with codes and such so I wanted to provide adequate time)
WRITING- We discussed the methods, routines, and rituals of writer's workshop. Students practiced listening skills, created a list of possible writing topics, and continued with oral language development while also looking at the three components that comprise a writer's workshop (mini-lesson, writing time, sharing time) and what makes up each, as well as the rules for writing time and the tools students use when writing. Students then met with partners to discuss their writing topic lists and narrow them down from 10 topics to 2 or 3.
READING- Students and I discussed how and why to abandon books within a Reader's Workshop session. Sometimes this is a more than necessary step!
HOMEWORK: log reading minutes. LOSER questions made up by 5S or 5T due Wednesday.
LEARNING TARGET: I CAN compare and order decimals.
Students learned the art of comparing and ordering decimals by lining them up vertically and then comparing the numbers digit by digit.
rearranging digits based on Mrs. Thomas's stipulations :) |
they were SO engaged with this, it was GREAT! |
HOMEWORK: WORKBOOK pages 4 &5; Simple Solutions #s 9, 10 & 11 due by Wed., 12 &13 due Friday.
Math #2
LEARNING TARGET: I CAN round whole numbers, decimals, and money to the nearest or greatest place-value.
We reviewed the concept of rounding and learned about rounding when a decimal is involved.
Rounding Video 1; Rounding Video 2
HOMEWORK: WORKBOOK page 6; Simple Solutions #s 9, 10, & 11 due by Wed., 12 & 13 due Friday. There WILL most likely be a quiz over these concepts on Wednesday (hint, hint) :)
Students worked on their conclusion for their experiment
HOMEWORK: finish conclusion
Students went over notes for early peoples and Beringia.
HOMEWORK: finish definitions
Students went over maps for the old testament.
WE ARE GETTING A CLASS PET! Riley is generously purchasing a BUNNY for us to have as a pet!!! We are ALL responsible for his love and care and each week a student will be accountable for taking him home and caring for him over the weekend (Riley will take him home over extended breaks and the summer). Thus, it must be noted before he arrives, do we have any serious allergies that we need to be aware of before his arrival? Our students' health comes first! Please let me know asap if this is an issue for you or your child. And please do NOT feel obligated to take him home if you do not wish to do so!
About him...
Name: Tribble (after the Star Trek episode) 
Species: Lionhead Rabbit
Food Preference: It depends on the age of your rabbit. Young lionheads should receive be fed twice per day. Make sure you don’t feed your rabbit too much. This goes especially for fruits, if they eat too many fruit this could lead to diabetes. After 7 months you just have to make sure that they have an unlimited supply of fresh water and hay. Yogurt treats are prohibited, they are very unhealthy and could lead to serious health concerns. Do not ever feed them lettuce as well as potatoes. There is a misunderstanding that rabbits seem to love lettuce which is in fact not the case. Please be extra careful with vegetables. Also make sure that your rabbit has no access to eating flowers in your garden. If you want to give them a little treat you could give them a small carrot.
Meet Mr. Tribble :) |
Kate is our class Blogger this week. Her first post can be found HERE.
Molly M. is our Paparazzi this week, but she was absent, so I just took pictures during our commercial break at the end of the day (by the time the kids are back with me for Language Arts instruction, it has been literal HOURS since they've had a break, so I play a quick song and let them get a little energy out before we're back on task). Thus, our third week of paparazzi pics begin HERE.
Have a magnificent Monday!
Mrs. Thomas
P.S., Did you know our sweet Lexi's mom got married this weekend?!? Lexi was a junior bridesmaid and she was BEAUTIFUL!!!! Here are some pics her mom sent me. We missed you SO much, Lex, and can't wait to have you back tomorrow!!!!!