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How many of you parents felt THIS way this morning? |
I must say, I am already so impressed with the work ethic of these kiddos. So many already have their questions completed that I posted from Loser (which they did not have to do) AND so many already have journal entries complete that I posted as well! WOWZA! You guys are ON TOP of things and I L-O-V-E it!
NOW, onto our day...
Students took this "Take a Guess Activity" about me and again, I was so impressed because it was obvious that these kiddos had done their homework about me by reading about me here on this blog. We took a tour of our classroom and discussed some important features...
Mrs. Simon (our 5th grade assistant), then did the same and it was wonderful for her to do because it really helped the students in getting to know her as they had NO background knowledge of her. She is a HOOT!
Students then worked on an "I am..." collage where they thought of adjectives that described themselves. This is the one I gave as an example. It is not too great as I made it very quickly. Theirs are farrrrrrrr better and I absolutely LOVED how they immediately asked me if they could use a thesaurus and knew that a thesaurus would provide them with synonyms for their adjectives so they wouldn't be so "boring." Precious.
We then had lunch, recess, walk, and then students had some time with the resource teachers before completing a narrative writing prompt for me. This is for me to assess where they are in their writing abilities in the narrative form.
HOMEWORK: (yes, already) Students need to complete Simple Solutions #s 1, 2, and 3 by Friday, August 21, 2015. Bring LOSER book with you TOMORROW.
It was a TERRIFIC first day and I cannot wait to see these babes again tomorrow! That is, if they'll still have me :)
Mrs. Thomas
Jaxon read 'loser' on his iPhone. Can he bring his iPhone in tomorrow?