it's heeeeere! FINALLY! Copies of our 5th grade 2015-2016 schedule are HERE and finalized for your viewing and printing pleasure! We will have these printed for your students to place in their lockers and in their binders and will also have them plastered all over these walls and halls in and around 5T and 5S!
A few notes/reminders...
HOMEWORK: MATH #1: WORKBOOK page 1; MATH #2: WORKBOOK pages 1 AND 2. BOTH classes: Simple Solutions #s 4, 5, & 6 DUE TOMORROW; 7 & 8 are due Friday
HOMEWORK: Complete colorings of drawings and definitions of landforms
HOMEWORK: Complete Flashbacks from Monday and Tuesday (shown below). You may be wondering, what are flashbacks? Flashbacks are our Morning Work. They are a means of continuous review for our students. Each morning, they are presented with 9 questions (sometimes less) from the content areas of Language Arts (sometimes with Religion), Math, and Science/ Social Studies. This is so they are constantly reviewing previously learned content so it is not forgotten and stays at the forefront of their minds. This is a BIG year in terms of testing and we want to ensure that knowledge is locked in deep and not just for Terra Nova testing, but for middle school and beyond! Flashbacks help to ensure that students are constantly utilizing concepts of the past and applying them here in the present and beyond. They typically do not become homework, but our 5th graders have been quite the chatty Kathies the past two days so now they will be completing what they did not finish at home. This also gives them the opportunity to research any content they may have forgotten (ahem Religion...)
LEXI is our Blogger this week, but her Mom is GETTING MARRIED! YAAAAAY! Thus, today is her only day of blogging and someone else will be stepping in her spot for the rest of the week. Click HERE for her post from today.
Guess what? Mrs. Ruley (7R) had her baby! It was a girl that they named Rosie! Isn't that wonderful?!? Extra special congratulations to Mrs. Ruley, our 7th & 8th grades Language Arts teacher!
Have a terrific Tuesday!
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