Friday, November 30, 2012


well, it's the last day of november folks....can you believe THAT?!?  Holy moly!  I guess I should go ahead and say, "rabbits, rabbits, rabbits" for the first day of the month tomorrow.  Have you heard of that?  For you superstitious folks out there, saying "rabbits, rabbits, rabbits" as the very first thing when you wake up on the very first day of a new month is supposed to bring you good luck for the entire month.  Pretty nifty huh?  And pretty silly?  But I always still say it.... tee-hee :)
Thus, HAPPY DECEMBER tomorrow!  Won't be much December-like weather this weekend so I hope you are able to get out and enjoy!

We worked on breaking whole numbers into equal groups which is the start of division.  We did this with cut-outs of cookies.  We didn't get too very far into this activity because we had a multiplication/ division match-up faceoff and HAD. A. BLAST!  Taybelle won in our class and Tyler in Mr. Featherston's class.  It was so much fun and the kids really got some great practice with related facts and fact families.
HOMEWORK: none, except practice, practice, practice those multiplication facts!!!  We have a few students who will be earning their sundaes by Monday or Tuesday!!!!  YAY!!!!

Students took their reading comprehension test over, "Tops and Bottoms" with Mr. Featherston and their spelling tests.

**New NEWSLETTERS were sent home this afternoon and have some EXTREMELY important information about the 2nd and 3rd grades' Christmas program on Tuesday, December 18th at 6:30PM at Georgetown College.  The students will need to be there no later than 6:00 and the info today details ideas about animal costumes.

**Garth Storybook Night is Thursday, December 6th at 6:00PM.  Please make plans to attend and send back your RSVP ASAP!

**The week of December 10th - 14th is SANTA's WORKSHOP!!!  Our class will go during our Library time which is on the 12th. 

**Winter Break begins December 19th and lasts until Jan. 1st.  See you back at school on Dec. 2nd! 

Have a terrific weekend in the BEAUTIFUL weather and then...would you please send well wishes for some snow?!?  Mrs. Thomas is ready for some winter over here!
Mrs. Thomas

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