Monday, April 11, 2011


Welcome backeveryone!  I hope you had a magnificent spring break and got to spend some quality time with the ones you love.  I sure missed my fantastic friends :)

Our UK student, Miss Golan, was here today to teach us a lesson on writing and the use of literary elements (characters, plot, setting, problem/ solution, etc.).  She has such great ideas and we really enjoy having her.  For this lesson, she had us get in our reading groups and roll a di for each of the literary elements per page to select from a menu.  Sounds confusing, but it was really fun and the students came up with some hilarious stories!!
Here are the pictures of the groups presenting their made up tales:

HOMEWORK: as always, the spelling packets were passed out and are due back by Friday, April 15th when we take our test.

Our WOW! words this week are:

We reviewed fractions and completed an activity that did not go so well the week before spring break where we had to really focus on constructing fractions and thinking about what fractions were equivalent to others.  The students did much better today and I actually got chills on several occasions because I was so proud of them!  We are making excellent progress!

PM activities:
We began our new unit which is the Water Cycle so to introduce it, we watched a Bill Nye the Science Guy video. 

I hope you have a restful Monday evening as we get back into the groove of school!  Only 7 weeks left!
Mrs. Thomas

PS, Here are some pictures that I forgot to post before I left on's some of the fantastic artwork by our tremendous artists we have in our class!

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