a.m. activities:
We worked on an ORQ for Reading and practice some test taking skills such as eliminating all obvious wrong responses, reading the question and then rereading the passage, going back to the passage, etc. Students were able to see many skills that helped them in taking an assessment and we able to see that using these skills in conjuction with taking their time can be incredibly beneficial as all were VERY successful on this test! YAY!!!

REMINDER: be selling your candy bars! You will be able to get $0.50 from every $1.00 candy bar sold towards your 4H camp trip...so if you sell 60 bars, that's $30 off your trip and it will only cost you $10.00 to go! How AWESOME is that?!? So, the more you sell, the cheaper your trip will be!
PM activities:
we watched an AMAZING video about Metamophosis which is the life cycle of a butterfly. It is truly magnificent seeing the changes these exquisite creatures go through! We then created a life cycle book in conjunction with the video about the 4 stages of the life cycle (egg -> larva (caterpillar) -> pupa or chrysalis (cocoon) -> adult (butterfly)).
Students were also able to continue working on their multiplication flash cards activities. Facts 0 -12 are something EVERY 4TH STUDENT MUST KNOW! Please, please, please be working on these at home, in the car, at the grocery, in the tub, EVERYWHERE! Knowledge of these skills is imperative for success in 4th grade!
For online games and practice, see these fun websites!
Multiplication Practice One
Multiplication Practice Two
Multiplication Practice Three
Multiplication Practice Four
Multiplication Practice Five
REMINDER: Picture Day is NEXT Thursday, September 29th, 2011.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Thomas
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