Students are reading, "If I made a million..." with Mr. Featherston and are working on the skills of summarizing text and using context clues to aid in our comprehension of the reading.
HOMEWORK: Reading LOGS!!!!!!!
We took our assessment over rounding and estimation and many students did so, soooo well! Special note:

We are reworking on the concepts and skills of the week from reading. PLEASE GET READING LOGS SIGNED EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!
Today was one of the roughest days because our behavior was out of control. Our chart looked like someone broke open a bag of skittles and people were changing colors left and right. It was obnoxious! Please look for the color changes in your child's planner and sign next to them to note to me that you saw them and followed up at home. We take these color changes very seriously and if your student had more than 2 color marks, they walked their ENTIRE recess. Thank you for being on top of this with your student...I GREATLY appreciate it! I believe that a good communication between home and school is CRUICIAL to the success of your student.
Have an excellent evening and remember, tomorrow is a brand new day!!!
Mrs. Thomas
PS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHLOE!!! We love you so much and hope you had a fabulous day!
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