Hi guys! It's Mary here, and I'm our class blogger for the week! I am super excited to share with you about our amazing class! First I will tell you about our day.
For parents: I'm Mary Favier, a student in Mrs. Thomas' class, and I will be blogging all week long!
In literature (a.k.a. reading) we focused on the main idea and it's details to support it. We read two very interesting passages; one about Venus, and the other about Penguins! Our learning target in Literature for the day: I can identify the stated main idea in a paragraph and details to support it.
Here is an awesome game to check out. This is the game we played in class!
Click HERE for the Main Idea song we listened to in class as well :)
Homework: Complete "What's the main idea" organizer!
Learning Target: I can read and write decimals through the thousandths in words and standard form.

Also, here is super silly the Decimals song we listened to today
HOMEWORK: we did not practice enough with these concepts in class to assign work to do independently yet- HOWEVER, I did ask the students to jot down any decimals they see or hear this evening AND to play a few of these decimal games (I'm such a mean teacher! I mean, play computer games for homework?!?Yikes, poor kids) :)
Homework: Complete questions 1-5 on page 60 of textbook.
Homework: none
Tomorrow is Resource Day!!! Remember to wear gym clothes!
Mary's Spot:
"Have faith in everything, it makes all things possible!"Hi guys! Tomorrow is Resource Day and I am super excited! My favorite subject on Resource day is P.E. because I LOVE SPORTS!!!!! Sorry I'm not posting much today... I'm in a rush. But, just for fun, if you want, we can have a class vote tomorrow on which subject is our favorite on Resource Day! Write it on a post-it note or any piece of paper and bring it in tomorrow!

We hope everyone has a marvelous Monday evening! The Emmys are on :)
Mrs. Thomas
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