Under normal circumstances (meaning, if my glasses weren't broken and I actually went to get a new pair), I would wear my glasses multiple times weekly because I greatly enjoy wearing them, soooo....I guess here is my sign to get off my tail and finally go get some new ones (well and some more contacts too, of course!).
Anyway, the show must go on...
Today we continued working on our skill of summarizing what we read. Groups finished making their sequence chains and were then responsible for using the events of our story to make one summary sentence that could give a brief synopsis of the entire story.
Group C's sequence/ summary chain |
Erin and Maddie tracing their feet |
Tabitha is ready to "walk" us through her book |
Micah's "walk" through her book! |
Her footpath led her (and us) to a better understanding of her book! |
HOMEWORK: work on spelling packets
"Human Fractions" |
We continued working on FRACTIONS!!! First, we began by reviewing homework. It is terribly difficult to review homework if the student does not have it with him/her or if that student has rushed to do it in the morning before he/she comes to me. Homework is intended to be practice at home, without the teacher's supervision to work on the skills and concepts we focused upon that day, independently. This gives me a true gauge of understanding and shows me when we can progress further.
After reviewing our homework, we made "human fractions". To do this, I call different amounts of students at a time to stand in the front of the room. The rest of the class observed them and then made fractions based on what they saw. Some we heard were "three-fifths are wearing jeans", "one-eighth has on glasses", "four-eighths or one-half have on an orange or red shirt" (I particularly was impressed by that fraction because it showed the student was thinking ahead and adding like fractions together...what a higher level skill!), or "sixth-sevenths have brown hair". This was a great activity because the students were encouraged to make fractions of their own and were seeing them life-size.
Finally, we put fractions into our hands by cutting paper. First, we cut a piece of paper into fourths, then eighths, then thirds, and then sixths. From there, the students were visually and kinesthetically able to compare fractions and see which were bigger than the others and which fractions could combine to make another fraction, therefore sometimes creating equivalent fractions.
HOMEWORK: none tonight.
PM activities:
We have started a new switching process where students get Social Studies on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Science with me on Mondays and Wednesdays, while Fridays are days of review. We felt that there is much content that needs to be covered prior to the end of the year so we made the appropriate modifications to our schedules to ensure these subjects being continuously taught.
Today however, we finished working on an On-Demand writing piece which is a persuasive letter to Mr. Canizal to come and teach us some lessons on Spanish. The students are REALLY progressing well with the on-demand writing process and concepts of writing!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, my lovelys!!!
Mrs. ThomasHere are some recent things that have made me smile (besides this warm weather)...
NO, I did NOT do this (as you can clearly see, it's old because it's been weathered over), but saw this on a tree down by the river on our little trip and assumed it was a sign made just for me!!! |
Nathan, from Mrs. Ingold's class, gifted me with this fabulously unique little owl! |
Isn't he the COOLEST?!? Thanks Nathan!!! |
Thanks for giving such a valuable information shared with us.