Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Happy Tuesday all!
It is another beautiful day and the students got to finally get outside and enjoy some fresh air!!
DON'T FORGET: Our Winter Party is rescheduled to THIS FRIDAY (January 7th) at 1:30PM.  Be sure to bring in your gift to participate in the game/ exchange!!

Writing/ Reading
Completed a Reader's Theater selection: "The 3 Little Pigs" to emphasize our understanding of the poetic characteristic of personification.  Personification is where something that is not human is given qualities of a humn (talking, going to work, driving a car, shopping, etc..).  We then read a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, Winter-Time, and discussed where personification was evident.  Students were to write an ORQ concoinciding with this concept.  Tomorrow, I will give example responses (by past students) for them to practice scoring with using our scoring guide.  After participation in this activity, they will then be allowed to score a peer's response.  I feel it is imperative that students develop an understanding of how to read a scoring guide and make themselves understand a writing prompt in order to write an exemplar response on an open response question.  I feel this can be emphasized through the scoring of a peer's response.  Through this, students can learn what to look for in a response and with that, can identify what may be missing from theirs. 
Homework: there is NO homework this evening, EXCEPT to work on Lesson 8 spelling packets.
We worked on workbook pages 99-101 and then for those who completed them, 102-104.  These pages worked mostly on 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s and emphasized using facts from previous sets like 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s to help them determine products from the harder sets. 
Homework: students MUST continue to work on ALL multiplication facts!
We used the laptop minis to research and work on our animal projects, 
Remember, those are due January 10th!!  I CANNOT WAIT to see them!!!
Mrs. Thomas

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