READING (Lectura):
We took our final assessment over informational text structures. The students didn't exactly give their best efforts (many didn't give their full potential, but some did A-W-E-S-O-M-E like: HAYDEN, ASHLEY, EMILEE, AND RACARI!). So, since most of us did not work to our full potential and capabilities, I worked with the students and coached them up to a score of '4', while Hayden and Ashley got some free time on the computer! This lasted through our math hour.
MATH (matemáticas):
see above.
PM activities (actividades de P.M.):
Ms. Warren asked that for best practices, the students go back through each of their questions from their assessment and complete a 'Prove it!' response for each. This took them MUCH time to get done, but was a 'teaching for learning' experience because they were having to justify their multiple choice answers and responses by going back to the text and rereading.¡Tenga un fin de semana tremendo! (Have a terrific weekend!) Stay warm through our snow tonight...
and if there's enough...get out and PLAY in it (¡Juegue en la nieve!)

Mrs. Thomas
PS, Good LUCK to our participants, Blake and Jeremiah, tomorrow in the District Science Fair competition! We KNOW you are going to do AWESOME and represent DSE so well! We Thomas friends are so. so. sooooooooo. very, VERY proud of YOU!!!

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