Now, onto our day...
READING:We took our vocabulary assessment over Lesson 10 words. The students are getting better and better with our vocab with each passing week! Make an ol' reading teach proud!
Next, I had the students take a mini assessment over point-of-view - it was just an ERQ! Then, we created a scoring guide and 'Model 4' together. Finally, we used this scoring guide and Model 4 to peer score a friend's ERQ and give positive feedback as well as constructive criticism. It is a tremendous learning opportunity for all and the students love it!
Finally, we gave feedback (only praise!) to students' "fractured fairy tales" since we will be hanging them in the hall for all to see.
HOMEWORK: enjoy your 3-day weekend! Next week, we will be using LESSON 11 words from Wordly Wise. Look over them if you get a chance! Do you have any WOW! Word suggestions?!? Make 'em TOUGH!
The students took a quiz over adding and subtracting and comparing fractions. We then peer scored with our remaining time.

PM Activities:
STOMP BASH!!! I would have liked to have sent everyone, but we only had 13 able to go :( Congrats to the students who made it! We are proud of you and so happy for you! Those of you who did not, I BELIEVE in YOU and KNOW (without question) that you'll be there next time! You are always a STAR in my eyes!!! I love you!
Remember, we DO NOT have school on Monday (Feb. 20th) in observance of President's Day!!!
Have a tremendous 3-day weekend! I love you!
Mrs. Thomas

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