SPEAKING OF HARVESTING WORDS... We add words to a chart to "harvest" or save and use at other times because they are worthy of noting and worthy of our interest...and worthy of further future use! We have harvested MANY character traits since we have been discussing/ using them in literature instruction: ostentatious; punctilious; prodigious; lackadaisical; gregarious; perceptive; seraphic; articulate; introspective; droll; adroit; forthright; charismatic; tenacious; personable; zestful; studious; rambunctious; conscientious; compassionate; flippant; impish (<--excellent words, yes?!? Look at the babies and their extensive vocabulary!)
Quick Note: I have dropped the ball on reminding you of our next Coffeehouse... YIKES! I am so, so sorry! I know we sent home a sheet with the dates, but I still should've been reminding you and it completely slipped my mind. IT. IS. TOMORROW. Like in our previous installment, Meeting Street Coffeehouse in Norton Commons will be offering their discount promotion to all 5th grade parent patrons who mention, "SMA Coffeehouse" upon purchase. Again, I am sorry and I do hope you can make plans to attend (even on such short notice). If not, we hope to see you on the next one!

LEARNING TARGET: I CAN analyze a character from a work of fiction and use traits that describe his/ her actions and personality.
Students worked in their reading groups to go over homework from last night. They compared their choices of actions for exhibiting behaviors of that of a character based on the definitions they found last night in their practice. They also continued their work on the illustrating character traits activity from yesterday. After half of their time spent on these two assignments, I stopped them and then they worked on their book projects. If they were not working on their book projects, they were going over their literature circle's book review, taking their literature circle's book's comprehension test, or reading chapters 4-6 of Bridge.
HOMEWORK: Book projects due Nov. 6th (Groups A, B, C, & E); Oct. 30th for Group D.
Students discussed components of the upcoming test and completed a diagram.
HOMEWORK: Test is TOMORROW (Fri. Oct. 24th)
Students reviewed Native American tribes and discussed upcoming book projects due Monday.
HOMEWORK: Projects over tribe of choice due Mon. Oct. 27th
LEARNING TARGET: I CAN multiply a factor with a decimal/ money amount.
We learned how multiplying with a money amount is not much different than multiplying as usual. Here are our notes from instruction:
HOMEWORK: complete workbook page 23, #s 1-20
Master Gardener came to work with the students on leaf rubbings.
Tomorrow is COFFEEHOUSE and the Science Test!!
Mrs. Thomas
Kayla's Paparazzi Picks - 10.23.14

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MRS. SCHLEG! We miss you so, so much, and hope you have had a day of rest and worry-free relaxation!

And, guess what? Did you know that Thanksgiving is only 5 weeks from today?!? That's only 21 school days until we're off for break!

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