REMINDER: Science Study Guides are due to Mrs. Schleg TOMORROW
First, I must apologize for not getting a blog post up yesterday- during the day, I have no down time due to instructional time with the students to write one (I usually quickly update each subject at the end of it), and then I left early for a doctor's appt. that ran quite long! I promise, I will RARELY miss a blog post and if I do, it's because of a very good reason :) It is my goal to stay in constant communication with you and to keep you informed of all the happenings in an around 5T and 5S. 
I compiled a slideshow video of all of the students displaying a whiteboard (one at a time) of what they love about their grandparents. It turned out so, so very cute and was a nice thing for the grandparents to see. Unfortunately, I am not able to upload it in it's entirety, but I have sections of it at a time. Watch through each until you see your sweet baby!
FINALLY, I have two IMPORTANT MESSAGES from Mrs. Schleg that you need to read through:
1) Help Needed:
Our garden fence here at school needs to be painted. I will be here
on Saturday September 20 to begin painting. I realize many sporting
events are going on and families are busy, but if you have any time to help
paint I would love to see you. I plan to be here about 10 am. If
you can help and have extra paint brushes and paint trays that we can use I
would appreciate the loan. I have several brushes and a few trays but
extras are always great to have as well. I will bring some cool beverages
too so that we stay refreshed as we paint:) Any time you have is wonderful.
Please let me know if you can be here.
Message 2)
Dear Parents,
I want to let you know that I unfortunately will need to
have surgery. I will leave on September
23 for Nashville and have surgery on the 24th.
I will be out for about a month and hopefully no longer. This largely depends on the extent of the
surgery. With that being said,
conferences during the conference days will be cancelled. However, I would like to meet with anyone
that would like to schedule a conference next week. I will do my best to make myself available as
much as possible. I will email a schedule
out to you tomorrow with times that I can meet.
If you would like to meet with Mrs. Thomas in regards to
reading and/or math she will be available during the conference times. You will send in your request to schedule
time with her when the forms come home.
Mrs. Zettel is working on finding a substitute and as
soon as we have one secured I will share that with you.
If you have any questions, please let me know,
Mrs. Schleg
Sorry to be long winded today, but there was so much to cover! Enjoy your Thursday night!
Tomorrow is FRIIIIIIDAY!!!
Mrs. Thomas
P.S., We have a Field Trip NEXT Thursday (9.18.14) to Ft. Harrod. Forms will be coming home today!
P.P.S., PICTURE DAY is NEXT Wednesday (9.17.14)

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