Learning Target: I can draw conclusions base on facts in a text.
Drawing Conclusions Pirate Video Intro
Drawing Conclusions Practice Video
We discussed and practiced with the important skill of making educated guessed when we're reading. All too often, we can come across text that leaves details to be determined on our own. This is called drawing conclusions where we build upon prior knowledge and combine it with the information given to make an educated guess, or draw a conclusion, as to what the author means or intends for us to understand.
Here are the pages we used for Independent Practice:
HOMEWORK: Reading Logs are coming home today! They are due by FRIDAY.
Learning Target: I can round whole numbers, decimals, and money to a given place or to the greatest place.
Rounding Rap #1
Rounding Rap #2
We continued our focus of rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, nearest tenth, and nearest hundredth. Math #1 complete this independent practice:
Math #2 used cards or dice to play a decimal rounding game with partners. They drew 4 cards, created a 4-digit number with a decimal and then rounded to the nearest tenth, hundredth, and whole number.
They then completed rounding riddles for additional independent practice with rounding decimals.
Additional MATH notes from the SMARTboard in class:
HOMEWORK: MATH #1: Complete "Rounding Decimals" Worksheet; MATH #2: Complete workbook page 6.
Students worked on their projects and checked study guides.
HOMEWORK: prepare/ study for test on THURSDAY.
Students worked on scrolls as well as exit slips from Friday and Mrs. Schleg checked composition notebooks.
Students discussed different types of erosion with Mrs. Schleg and watched an informative video.
I found a Bill Nye: the Science Guy video 1 (and video #2) about Erosion for your viewing pleasure as well as a History Channel snippet, and Scholastic Study Jam. Click on each link and enjoy!
HOMEWORK: test NEXT Thursday (9.18.14) - no study guide yet, though :)
We worked on compiling our newspaper articles based on our informational books. Students also brainstormed questions and answers to questions for interviews with their Grandparents this coming Thursday.
yes, that would be a wee-Mrs. Thomas (with food in mouth) on Grandparents' Day in 5th grade. Those two are the wonderfully extraordinary Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Fanning (my mom's parents) |
TOMORROW (Tuesday, 9.9.14) is RESOURCE DAY!!!

NEXT Wednesday (9.17.14) is an EARLY DISMISSAL DAY.
Have a wonderful evening!
Mrs. Thomas
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