Monday, September 22, 2014

9.22.14 - Day TWENTY-SEVEN

Funday Monday, Gents and Judies!  It was a faaaaaast weekend, but I hope you had a wonderful one! We golfed, shopped, ate dinner out, entertained out of town guests, watched loads of football, got a new iPhone (6!! and no, I did NOT wait in line for it!) and graded papers in the Thomas household- hopefully, yours was much of or beyond the same level of fabulous!

NOTE: See MATH section (under the notes from today) for MANY games and a fun few which are iPad and tablet compatible!

TODAY is the first official day of fall!

Learning Target: I can identify and describe the author's purpose of a passage.
Students re-practiced the skill of identifying the Author's Purpose in a text by looking for clues: did the text: have a teaching tone (to inform), use colorful language and a friendly tone (to entertain), or was argumentative in trying to convince us to do/ buy/ think something (to persuade)?  We practiced using several passages and identifying the cues.  Then, students had 3 different pages of independent practice (2 for a grade).
HOMEWORK: NEW Literature Circle Roles are due by THIS Friday, Sept. 25th
PowerPoint notes from class

PowerPoint notes from class

Learning Target: I can review, demonstrate, and apply knowledge of decimals.
We reviewed several things with decimals 

remember to write the numbers vertically and to add zeros so they have an equal number of digits for easy comparing :)

remember to write the numbers vertically and to add zeros so they have an equal number of digits for easy comparing :)

front side- this is due Wed. 9/24 (before the test- use it as review practice!)

this is due Wednesday 9/24 (before the test- use it as review practice!)

REVIEW PowerPoint (play with someone at home!)
Half-court Decimal Rounding (play on your iPad or tablet by clicking HERE)
Place-Value pirates (play on your iPad or Tablet by clicking HERE)

HOMEWORK: Test over all things decimals is Wed. 9/24.  Review Quiz (passed out 9/22) and Test Preparation packet (passed out 9/17) due Wednesday before the test.  Use these for extra practice!

Students presented their scrolls and used the extra time to discuss some things for the upcoming unit in Social Studies.

Students used their rubrics to complete and then present their projects!  Whew, finally!  And, they look AWESOME, I might add :)

Science Lab: students used melted crayons in hot water to observe what it looks like in different states to help understand how rocks are formed/ made. 
HOMEWORK: finish Science Lab worksheet and Rock Cycle test on Friday (Sept. 26th).  There is a Study Guide/ Rock Cycle sheet on Edmodo

We used this time to complete our Literature Circles and work on our Reader's Theater practice since we did not have the time in Reading.
HOMEWORK: NEW Literature Circle roles were assigned and are due (with readings) THIS FRIDAY (Sept. 26th).

Tomorrow is RESOURCE DAY!  Remember to dress in appropriate Spirit Wear.
Do NOT stress about your math test!  I assure you- YOU HAVE GOT THIS!  I believe in you and love you like crazy!
Mrs. Thomas

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