Not too many reminders or announcements today, but the ones we have are quite important (please pay extra special attention to number 3)
1) Mrs. Schleg is having her hip surgery tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers as she begins this uncomfortable (but necessary) journey to a healthy, well-functioning hip! Also, we give a very warm welcome to Mrs. Kalmey who is Mrs. Schleg's long-term substitute. Mrs. Kalmey was a teacher and principal within the Archdiocese for many years and we are beyond thrilled to have her here with us! Our babes are well taken care of and in wonderful hands with her, that's for sure!
2) MATH:
**TOMORROW (Wednesday, September 24th) is our first Math test! PLEASE NO stress and no worries. I believe in you and you. have. got. this.
HOMEWORK: Review Quiz and Test Preparation packets are due tomorrow before the test.

**We will be beginning a new schedule before the end of the week. It is not too different- the students just have a longer Language Arts block and FAR less transitioning between classes. I am so sorry to change this on us again!
A little background though...

The students will be receiving their new schedules tomorrow morning to post in their lockers and the front of their planners and Mrs. Kalmey and I have already posted them around our 5th grade area.
Here is a copy for you as well:
4) NO SCHOOL- Thursday, October 2nd and Friday, October 3rd. Please make sure that you have signed up for a conference with me on the forum on Sycamore.
See? Not too many announcements today! I hope you have a wonderful evening!
Mrs. Thomas
HOW adorable are these GORGEOUS babies in their new cheerleading jackets?!? They look so great and they were so proud, so I just had to snap a pic! I just love these cuties! |
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